Easy Canada

Contract Phone Plan Providers

Choosing the right phone plan in Ontario requires careful consideration of various factors, including coverage, data usage, minutes, messaging, and budget. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with a step-by-step plan to navigate through the available phone plans and make an informed decision that suits your needs.

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Step 1: Assess Your Needs

  1. Evaluate your usage: Determine how much data, minutes, and messaging you typically require each month.
  2. Consider your budget: Set a realistic budget for your phone plan expenses.

Step 2: Research Providers

  1. Identify major carriers: Research prominent mobile network providers in Ontario, such as Rogers, Bell, Telus, and Freedom Mobile.
  2. Explore smaller carriers: Investigate regional or budget-friendly carriers like Fido, Koodo, and Virgin Mobile.

Step 3: Coverage Comparison

  1. Check coverage maps: Visit carrier websites to assess the coverage quality in your area and areas you frequent.
  2. Seek recommendations: Ask friends, family, or online communities about their experiences with different carriers’ coverage.

Step 4: Plan Options Comparison

  1. Visit carrier websites: Browse through plan options offered by various carriers, considering data allowances, minutes, messaging, and additional features.
  2. Use comparison tools: Utilize online tools to compare plans side by side, factoring in your usage preferences.

Step 5: Contract vs. Prepaid

  1. Contract plans: Evaluate the benefits of contract plans, including phone financing and potential discounts on devices.
  2. Prepaid plans: Consider the flexibility and control of prepaid plans, which don’t require long-term commitments.

Step 6: Special Features and Perks

  1. International roaming: If you travel frequently, explore plans with international roaming options and rates.
  2. Streaming and entertainment: Some plans offer streaming services or entertainment perks; assess their value for you.
  3. Family or group plans: Investigate potential discounts for adding family members or multiple lines.

Step 7: Customer Service and Reviews

  1. Read reviews: Look for customer reviews and ratings to gain insights into the quality of customer service and network performance.
  2. Visit stores: Visit carrier stores to speak with representatives and clarify any questions you have about their plans.

Step 8: Negotiation and Customization

  1. Contact carriers: Reach out to carriers directly to discuss plan customization or negotiate better terms.
  2. Bundle services: Inquire about bundling your phone plan with other services (internet, TV) for potential discounts.

Step 9: Porting and Activation

  1. Porting your number: If you’re switching carriers, inquire about the process of transferring your current phone number.
  2. Activation: Understand the steps required to activate your new plan and device.

Step 10: Monitor and Adjust

  1. Regularly assess usage: Keep track of your data, minutes, and messaging usage to ensure your plan remains suitable.
  2. Consider upgrades: As your needs change, explore options for plan upgrades or changes.

                                                            Major Carriers in Toronto

  • “Infinite” Plan: Unlimited data, talk, and text for CAD 75/month (pricing may vary based on device and promotions).
  • “Smart Picks” Plans: Various plans with different data, talk, and text limits, starting from CAD 55/month.
  • “Unlimited” Plan: Unlimited data, talk, and text for CAD 75/month (pricing may vary).
  • “Bring Your Own Phone” Plans: Various plans with different data, talk, and text limits, starting from CAD 55/month.

News & Tips That Makes Your Life Easier in Toronto!

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  • “Endless Data” Plan: Unlimited data, talk, and text for CAD 75/month (pricing may vary).
  • “Peace of Mind” Plans: Various plans with different data, talk, and text limits, starting from CAD 55/month.

“Big Gig Unlimited” Plans: Unlimited data (with varying high-speed data allotments), talk, and text, starting from CAD 50/month.

“Data, Talk & Text” Plans: Various plans with different data, talk, and text limits, starting from CAD 50/month.

“Shock-Free Data” Plans: Various plans with different data, talk, and text limits, starting from CAD 50/month.

“Unlimited Plans”: Unlimited data (with varying high-speed data allotments), talk, and text, starting from CAD 55/month.

News & Tips That Makes Your Life Easier in Toronto!

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