We help you on your new Canadian journey!
Steps To Do Before Arrival
Steps To Follow to Establish A new life in Toronto
COSTCO- Wholesale & Buck Products
Cost Savings, offering bulk products at discounted prices. Costco membership is needed to buy.
What Is Social Insurance (SIN) Number?
What is SIN number and why do you need to get it as soon as possible when you land in Canada?
Which Canadian Banks To choose?
Which banks offer more benefits for newcomers and immigrants? Differences between Debit and credit accounts?
How To Open Bank Accounts As Newcomers?
Several documents are needed for newcomers to open a first bank account (SIN number, proof of address etc).
Get Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)
OHIP provides several benefits to eligible residents of Ontario. Benefits of OHIP and how to get OHIP?
Elementary & Secondary Schools
How to send your children to elementary and secondary schools in Canada.